residential and commercial building
new construction
© images by GSE
The new building on the Lutherring replaces an existing four-story residential building from the postwar area. An ensemble is to be built consisting of the building on the corner of the WilhelmLeuschnerRing and the “AfaPassage” that extends into the internal block. This is designed to represent the mixed character of living, work, and retail stores that are encompassed by the quarter. With this configuration the building represents a mediating element.
The front four-story part of the building closes the road alignment and enhances the solitary along the Lutherring. The façade’s red sandstone is typical for the area and corresponds with the prominent address as well as with the building to its left. Narrow profile bands genially combine the horizontally intersecting building parts.
The back five-story part of the building fits in perfectly with the early 80’s building to its right. The simple façade underlines this harmony. A over 5 meter wide clearance between the buildings is used for the entrance and exit of the underground garage.
Thanks to the colonnade on the southwest side that leads to the internal block, the retail spaces on the first floor become a part of the “AfaPassage” und directly connect it with the Lutherring. The change in materials of the façade above it, from a natural stone to a white plaster, divides the building nicely and makes it fit into the area.